The process of frying snails is very easy but it requires more effort, unlike the process of boiling your snails. How to fry your snails for consumption.
Snails can be fried in 5 simple steps:
- Source for the fresh snails.
- Remove the shells.
- Clean the snail’s meat.
- Season the snail’s meat.
- Fry the snail’s meat.
The first three steps are part of the preparatory steps which have been well explained earlier, you can read it HERE.
Now let’s move to the fourth step.
Season the snail’s meat: This step is done to give your snail’s meat a good taste. It is done by springing some seasons around the meat and leaving it for some time to penetrate the meat.
This can also be done by rubbing your snails with the seasoning in considerable measure and then allowing them to stay for about 5 to 10 minutes to allow the seasoning to give taste to the snail meat.
At this point, the snails can now be fried.
Items needed for frying your snails
- Frypan
- Small Onion bulb
- Seasoned snails
- Long Spoon and Fork
- Plates
- Put some portion of Oil in the frying pan and place on the heat source.
- Slice the small Onion bulb into the oil and allow to heat for a few seconds.
- Add the seasoned snails inside the oil for them to fry.
- Leave the snails for some minutes to heat up and fry.
- Stay close to regulate the heat level and turn the sides of the Snails if need be.
- Your fried snails will be ready in a few minutes.
- Remove your fried snails. The fry pan.
- Turn off the heat source.
- Enjoy your fried snails.
Practical steps to drying your snail meat
Snail meat is very delicious and can be dried in these simple steps.
- Source for the fresh snails.
- Remove the shells.
- Clean the snail meat.
- Season the snails.
- Introduce the snails into the Oven.
- Allow to dry for some hours.
- Collect the oven-dried snails.
Dried snails are in high demand globally due to their long shelf life. If well dried, they can stay as long as one year without getting spoilt and this is why it is highly demanded by those outside Nigeria and Africa because the consumers can store them for future use.
The process of drying snail’s meat requires more effort, unlike the process of boiling and frying. It is best to use a very hygienic heating facility such as a charcoal oven or electricity oven because it helps to prevent the spread of dirt, contamination, and stains that can show forth if a local heating chamber is used.
The first three steps to drying snail’s meat listed above are part of the preparatory steps that must be carried out and this has been well explained above.
The fourth step is:
Season the snail’s meat: Seasoning of the snail’s meat is done to give taste to the meat. This is a process that is much appreciated by many consumers. Although some consumers prefer to season their snails themselves when cooking their meals, they request that the snails should be dried without seasoning them. Therefore we can conclude the seasoning process of snails is optional. How to fry your snails for consumption.
After this, we are to:
Introduce the snail’s meat into the Oven: This involves careful transfer or arrangement of the seasoned or unseasoned meat on the oven racks and then moving them into the oven for drying.
The snail’s meat should be well arranged on the rack in a way in which they will not fall off.
Allow to dry for some hours: Snail’s meat does not take a long time to get dry, unlike Catfish. They can get dried within 15 hours but this depends on the heat source. After introducing your snails into the oven, allow them to receive consistent heat.
If you check back after about 8 hours you will discover that the snails are already hard and looking smaller in size unlike when they were still fresh. This is to show that they are releasing the liquid content and will soon be dried. How to fry your snails for consumption.
You will need to use your hand to pick the snails randomly for examination. Pick them, touch and bend them to see the level of softness. You want to see if they are still bendable or show signs of wetness. This means they are not yet dried and should still be left in the Oven.
To know a well-dried snail, it will not have a feel of wetness. The well-dried snails will also be hard in texture.
If your snails show this characteristic then it is time to:
Collect the oven-dried snails: This should be done carefully to prevent injury or burning of your hand. You can wear a protective rubber glove or use a napkin to protect your hand from the heat.
Pull out the rack from the Oven and remove your well-dried snail’s meat one after another for packaging or cooking.
You can order your expertly prepared dried snail’s meat from Wemmab Foods. We deliver internationally.