Five steps to cook dried or smoked snails
You can cook dried snails by following these five steps in this post- Five steps to cook dried or smoked snails.
You can cook dried snails by following these five steps in this post- Five steps to cook dried or smoked snails.
The process of frying snails is very easy but it requires more effort, unlike the process of boiling your snails. How to fry your snails for consumption.
Subsistence farming or subsistence agriculture is a system of farming that involves carrying out Agricultural processes such as planting Crops and rearing Animals for the farmer’s consumption or use. There are so many benefits of starting subsistence farming.
According to the most recent data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), cashews, sesame seeds, and cocoa beans are the top agricultural products that Nigeria exported in 2022, bringing in N427.6 billion in income during a nine-month period. Top 5 agricultural exports of last year. In comparison to the N372.2 billion reported in the…